Objectives & Rationale
The PRB-RSC provides a collaborative platform for members to perform multi-center studies that address these important issues.
The PRBRSC is dedicated to achieving 4 objectives
- Describe the epidemiology and relationships between burnout, resilience, empathy, and confidence in providing compassionate care in pediatric and medicine-pediatric (P/M-P) residents
- Define the natural history of these parameters over time in P/M-P residents during training
- Identify modifiable factors that increase or decrease the risk of developing burnout and promoting positive wellness factors
- Develop and test different interventions (such as in-person seminars, on-line mind-body skills training, and individualized curricula such as global health electives) to affect burnout, resilience, empathy, compassion and wellness
The importance of creating a consortium devoted to addressing these issues is well-established, measurement tools are now available, and interest in positive interventions has never been higher
- Burnout is associated with poor physical and mental health in health care professionals
- Burnout is associated with increased error rates, poor communication, low adherence to guidelines , poor quality of care, and low patient satisfaction in graduate medical education trainees
- Early intervention may provide long-term benefits to young health care professionals
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700 Children’s Drive
Columbus, OH 43205